European Court of Justice – doctors will be solely responsible for the consequences of covid injections

Doctors are responsible, liable for Covid Vaccine Harms.
Doctors could have refused to administer them.

The European Court of Justice considers that doctors will be solely responsible for the consequences of covid injections because they were free to refuse to inject.

According to a ruling by the European Court of Justice (30/01/2025), all healthcare professionals who urged or vaccinated you against Covid are civilly and criminally liable.

Professor Frajese‘s (IT) case before the European Court of Justice had a surprising outcome! According to the Court, a medical prescription was required to administer the anti-Covid vaccines. But there’s more: doctors could have chosen whether or not to administer them, and even advised against them, to such an extent that the potential civil and criminal liability of healthcare professionals is attributable to the specific case.

The reasons given by the Court could thus call into question the disciplinary and criminal proceedings brought against doctors who opposed vaccinations, and instead attribute serious responsibilities to doctors who vaccinated “without ifs or buts”, thus also promoting the risk of causing adverse events. Link to article (in Italian).

Link to the full (this) article in english


The italian source article:


The ruling by the European Court of Justice