Julian is FREE!! ♥ But the battle continues 💪🏼 First #PardonAssange then #HonestNews (EN, ES, IT)

YESSS, Julian Assange is finally FREE!!! and safe!

This is the greatest possible news for Julian as a person and it was definitely Global Priority #1!
We are overly happy for Julian and intensely celebrate it.

However, this came as a typical #USUK “deal” and the battle for the CAUSE is not over at all.

So, the MAN is FREE ♥ but the battle for the CAUSE (#HonestNews) must now even intensify!
Global Priority #1 has simply shifted:

  • from #FreeAssange to save Julian as a person (his life) to
    1. first #PardonAssange so that the “confession” that was imposed on Julian looses its value, to free both him AND global journalism from this invented crime, and open the path to
    2. #HonestNews
      this must evolve from an idealistic idea to a TRUE INSTITUTIONAL FACT

Julian Assange must still be PARDONED
and it’s the next president of the US who will do so!

Neither Trump nor Biden have pardoned Julian while they could. So, why would either of them suddenly change his mind now unless it were just to catch votes of the distracted? On top of that, both have not ever truly comitted to #PardonAssange, they only have mentioned in some occasion to “consider” it…
It is the “third” candidates who are committed to truly #PardonAssange.

“Third” presidential candidates are being silenced, just like Julian,
…and by the same people!




Now, #HonestNews is a hard fight which continues to be the global top priority because it encloses almost all other fights, all of them originating from institutional and media lies and narratives that can only be uncovered by doing precisely that for which OWO put Julian in jail for and forced him to “confess” before setting him free.

Wikileaks and all honest journalist must continue to leak institutional lies and corruption as much as possible, and global society must reconfirm the right to do so.

The future generations and world need to know the ins and outs (= truth) behind ALL #USUK/OWO invented narratives for their orchestrated WARS imposed on the world, including pandemic + “vaccine” hysteria, induced climate and weather paranoias (chemtrails/cloudseeding, DARPA), land and food monopolization (and toxification, thank you Billy), 1984-like institutional mass-surveillance through Digital Identities, CBDC’s and Social Credit Scores to lockdown people in their 15 minute cities and the ever ongoing de-humanization of Humanity through their unnecessary “latest technologies”, algorithms and Artificial Imbecility.
And of course the real criminals must be prosecuted and jailed.

So finally, the MAN is FREE ♥
Now we can and must continue the battle for the CAUSE (#HonestNews) without having to worry for Julian anymore.

Everybody will understand and accept Julian Assange’s decision to sign the false confession of “conspiracy” that was forced upon him, in order to end his torture in Belmarsh by the UK authorities and regain the freedom he naturally deserves. The corrupt world we live in (they made of it) simply doesn’t allow for totally clean solutions. But the world’s greatest priority until now was for Julian to be free again and that has been reached!

However the battle for the CAUSE for #HonestNews of which Julian was the living symbol must and will continue! If there is one thing the world has learned through Julian Assange’s rotten case is that not ever again any state or entity should be allowed to accuse, jail and torture a man only because of  exposing their crimes and/or corruption.

Possible steps towards #HonestNews in the world

  • #PardonAssange!
    Even if Julian has now been released, being pardonded by the next president of the US (not the current one nor the former one, have you seen the debate?) will still greatly improve the situation both for Julian himself as for international journalism!
  • And there are still many innocent people jailed or on the run for the same reason. #HonestNews still requires a #PardonSnowden, #PardonUlbricht and many others (not necessarily only from the US).
  • Continue to make people aware that their national/corporate TV channels, social media and Hollywood movies are essentially used by governments and coorporations to tell them what they should think and how they should live, not the truth about what’s happening in the world. Move away from any media that is on the stock-market.
  • At the same time continue to create and grow independent platforms free from government or corporate manipulation.
  • Avoid or retract from centralized governmental or corporate data hunger as much as possible and live life free from any electronical or digital device dependancy (it’s our basic Human Right). Use phone just for phone calls.
  • Return to cash money as much and fast as possible! #KeepCash, #KeepCashAlive, #StickToCash.




Julian hugs his wife Stella for the first time as a FREE man!