Trump: “If we don’t have Free Speech then we just don’t have a Free Country!” (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)

If we don’t have free speech,
then we just don’t have a free country.

If we don’t have free speech,
then we just don’t have a free country.

It’s as simple as that.

If this most fundamental right
is allowed to perish,

then the rest of our rights
and liberties will topple.

Just like dominoes,
one by one they’ll go down.

That’s why today I’m announcing my plan
to shatter the left-wing censorship regime…

and to reclaim the right to free speech
for all Americans.

And reclaim is a very important word
in this case because they’ve taken it away.

In recent weeks,
bombshell reports have confirmed…

that a sinister group of deep state bureaucrats,
Silicon Valley tyrants…

left-wing activists
and depraved corporate news media…

have been conspiring to manipulate
and silence the American people.

They have collaborated
to suppress vital information on everything…

from elections to public health.

The censorship cartel must be
dismantled and destroyed,

and it must happen immediately.

The fight for free speech is a matter
of victory or death for America…

and for the survival
of Western civilization itself.

When I am president, this whole rotten system
of censorship and information control…

will be ripped out of the system at large.

There won’t be anything left.

By restoring free speech, we will begin to reclaim our democracy and save our nation.

Thank you!

President Trump makes a strong claim for Freedom of Speech.
If president Trump truly commits to Freedom of Speech and have justice prevail there should be no impediments to Pardoning Assange and Snowden.  Maybe it will not happen as fast as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. promised in his own presidential campaign and as he would have done himself, on day one, because Donald Trump may have a different order of priorities, but here a “better late than never” would be acceptable.

Besides, in an interview from May 2024 Donald Trump did say: “We will give it very serious condsideration” as an answer with more weight than Joe Biden’s vague “we’re considering it… from a distance while it looked like he was actually trying to disappear as quickly as possible. Even so several #PardonAssange groups still have been making serious efforts to persuade Biden during the countdown of his ending mandate, instead of aiming directly for Trump and Kennedy at the beginning of a new mandate without a pressing deadline. Additionally, key members of the MAGA/MAHA-team Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk also expressed their support for a pardon for Julian Assange as did 80% of the 3,3M X users who voted the poll (also for Edward Snowden).

In any case, looking forward to the future President’s initiatives to improve Freedom of Speech in the US and counting it may serve as example for Frau EUrsula, her Commission and the leaders of many European countries who all seem to have fallen back to a mindset of the Middle Ages. And even if not, some MEGA team(s) will arise, develop, grow and unite for the next EU elections.



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