Uncommon Sense thread on Twitter-X
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Most have accepted that the CIA was deeply involved, but what about Israeli interest? What evidence is there that Israel was involved in these events? The answer may surprise you…
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Most know the official story, but just to recap it quickly, the story goes that JFK was riding through Dallas when a single shooter named Lee Harvey Oswald made a next to impossible shot and killed JFK and wounded others with one magic bullet. Lee Harvey Oswald said he was a patsy, but within a few days Jack Ruby shot him out of the blue. Obviously this is insane but yet our government expects us to believe this.
The official counter narrative is that it was the deep state/ CIA that wanted to take out Kennedy. There is no denying that there was plenty of interest from the Military Industrial complex. They wanted more wars, Kennedy wanted less wars. Probably the best explanation is the clip from the movie JFK by Oliver Stone.
“Kennedy wanted to end the cold war in a second term, he wanted to call off the moon-race and favor cooperation with the soviets. He signed a treaty with the soviets to ban nuclear testing. He refused to invade cuba in 1962 and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam.”
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I appreciate Oliver Stones work on JFK, but it wholly puts the blame on the CIA, which is only partially true. Why does Oliver Stones work only put the blame on the CIA? Simple really. It was distributed by Zionist controlled Warner brothers, but also the screenplay was edited by Zionist writer Zachary Skylar.
Further the books it was based off were both published by Zionist controlled media outlets, Sheridan Square and Basic Books.
Fun fact. The Warner brother’s last names were originally Wonsol, Woron, and Wonskolaser. They changed their names to Warner to wound more Anglicanized.
You’ll also notice Basic Books supported Irving Kristol. Irving Kristol was bill Kristol’s communist father. Bill Kristol was a Neocon agent used to the subvert the Republican Party for Israeli foreign policy objective’s. He was chairman for PNAC (project for new American century) which was main doctrines used to get America involved in the Iraq War.
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Furthermore, the Screenplay writer Zachary Sklar, was the son of a member of the communist party. Zionism, communism, and Judaism are all inextricably linked, we just aren’t supposed to know that. When we think of communism we think of Russians, but the reality is the Bolsheviks we’re all primarily Jewish, much like the communist movements within the US in the 50’s.
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Alright I’ve explained some of the gatekeeping, but I haven’t yet explained a motive still. It’s simple really. Israel wanted a nuclear arsenal, and JFK was against it.
Furthermore, JFK mentioned getting rid of the federal reserve banking system, and this is a key driver in international elite bankers powers. (Rothschilds, etc)
I’ve attached a video of Eustace Mullins explaining the federal reserve system and its founding. I’ve also attached direct letters from JFK to then Israel president David Ben Gurion, explaining why he couldn’t approve nuclear weapons etc.
Once Kennedy was killed, LBJ immediately overlooked Israel’s nuclear enrichment program, and immediately gave Israel unconditional support. What are the odds???
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Now we have motive, and we have Zionist controlled gatekeeping, but it doesn’t end there.
Obviously we have the crazy Warrren Report which you can wipe your ass with. It’s as good as garbage.
But I also want to direct your attention to the direct aftermath of Kennedys death. Do you remember the Zapruder film? It just so happened a man caught the whole shooting on film. Naturally the press showed it to the public immediately…. JUST KIDDING !!
The man who filmed it sold it to Life Magazine the day after! He sold it for 150k, or equivalent to 1.5 million in today’s dollars. Oh and Abraham Zapruder happened to be a Ukrainian Jew and halos happened to be a Freemason. What are the odds? He sold to Henry Luce at Life magazine, who supposedly was in Skull and Bones at Yale when he was in college….
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Curiously, the public did not get to see the Zapruder film for 10 years.
Also Curiously, some frames went “missing” while in possession of Life Magazine.
Even stranger still, somehow CBS Dan Rather was allowed to go on television and say he saw the Zapruder film and give a first hand account of it. Now remember, Life Magazine bought the film, not CBS, so how did he get to see it? What’s worse is his description is all wrong. He told the American public that Kennedys head flew for war after getting shot, Most likely to help corroborate the warren commission… Watch the film yourself. Kennedy is shot in the temple, and his head flies right back. Dan Rather lied because that was his job. It wasn’t till 10 years later that the video was released, and by then the public had forgotten all about Rathers dishonesty.
(8/9 seems to be missing)
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The last thing I want to point out is that Zionist shills still try to bury all this evidence and connections today.
Take “conservative” talk show host Ben Shapiro.
He has a series called “debunked” where he essentially says the official Warren report is the right story. Of course he wants you to think that…
Everything Ben says here is nonsense. Kennedys head doesn’t fly forward because he was shot in the back of the head. The shot Oswald had to make was next to impossible. Oswald had CIA connections, and very easily could have been used as a patsy with his Russian past. The man who killed Oswald before he could really talk was a Jewish man named Jack Rubenstein.
Ben’s job is to keep you from looking, and thinking, because if you did, you might actually know the truth.
There is no denying there were other players involved, but it’s very possible Israel and the Rothschild Zionist had the main seat at the table…