America needs a president who WILL #PardonAssange! (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, NL)
Yes, Julian is FREE and SAFE (not in #USUK) but he still needs to be PARDONED the next NEW US president. Make #PardonAssange go viral!! (EN, ES, IT, NL)
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Yes, Julian is FREE and SAFE (not in #USUK) but he still needs to be PARDONED the next NEW US president. Make #PardonAssange go viral!! (EN, ES, IT, NL)
Let's have #GlobalSupportForKennedy go viral! With the intention of getting Julian released (be it before or after a possible extradition to the US)
(DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL) Almost any fight against the corrupt (media) system is a #FreeAssange fight! because #FreeTheTruth (any truth!) = #FreeThePress = #FreeAssange
This is no more than a US UK frustrated revenge on Julian and a tyrannical attack on Freedom of the Press Freedom of Expression and Justice in general of every Human on earth by the two bullies of the planet.
Wear your #FreeAssange button every day, all day and clearly visible out there in real life (school, work, supermarket, business, bar, restaurant, bus, subway, train).
#FreeAssange Images
This is a global call to declare 7 December "International #FreeAssange Day".
#FreeAssange! - Julian Assange is an Australian journalist who helped reveal US military crimes and corruption. Julian was never charged, but UK still unjustly decided to torture and kill him in Belmarsh prison. #USUK!
All of us who publish anything, anywhere, lets always finish off those publications with: "Furthermore, I consider that Assange must be freed."
In European politics, Slovenia is ahead of all other states, the government says it wants to restore confidence in the rule of law and therefore it will compensate all damages suffered by citizens due to the laws applied during the pandemic, which were declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.
We all are quite aware that if Julian Assange had not been locked up, the narrative of this period would have been quite different...