#EuropeansForKennedy! (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

The US elections will IMPACT Europa more than our own elections!

Because, like it or not, over the last decades Europe has become just passive and weak appendix of the US military-industrial complex and big pharma (while at the same time serving as a pleasantly willing “market” …for them).
In that sense, the outcome of the upcoming US elections will have much more impact on Europe than our own elections. Even more so, now dictatress Frau EUrsula has simply been imposed on us again for another five years, despite the fact that she is buried under corruption scandals and not wanted by the people.

RFK and other “third” presidential candidates who can bring real change are being silenced!

The US (and therefore also European) media pretend that Biden/Harris and Trump are the only presidential candidates, but that is a big lie. There are several “third” candidates, who are being silenced by those same media. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) has the greatest potential.

The US establishment does not want RFK to become president of the US because:

  • RFK will immediately PARDON Assange and Snowden, and possibly more whistleblowers. Doing so will bring (more) real freedom back to the press, not only in the US but worldwide! (see also RFK for Assange 02, 03 and 04)
  • RFK wants to stop the US “forever” wars and take the path to PEACE
    • to begin with he wants to TALK with Putin to stop Ucraine war, instead of just keep on delivering more bombs and weapons. See also “Russia was forced” or RFK’s full 2023 “Peace and Diplomacy” speech.
    • and in general he wants to reduce the power of the US Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) (7 min clip)
      This is not just empty “campaign-talk” for the elections, as happens with others, but a true battle of generations one could say. Both his father RFK Sr. and his uncle JFK have been killed for this. In fact…
  • RFK also opposes the growing dictatorship by big pharma
    Freedom of choice on vaccines and fight against the “pandemic” of autism in the US and other child-health problems. This will have direct, positive effect also for Europa and the rest of the world.
  • RFK has fought an almost life-long battle for a healthy environment
    and won many cases against industry’s toxic waste on land, in water and in the air (Monsanto, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical,…).
  • RFK defends cash money against CBDC’s (Digital Currency controled by Central Banks) and wants to use Bitcoin as a way to introduce transparency and accountability into US government spending.
  • RFK will establish a Unity Government, with people from all parties and independents, to break the ever greater (US and global) polarization and to unite instead of divide.

These are just a few major battles RFK will continue to wage as president of the US. This will unavoidably have a direct and tangible positive effect for the whole world and especially for Europa given the fact that we are so docile towards the US.

#EuropeansForKennedy – how to spread it and make it go viral

The US is seen by many as the origin of practically all current global problems. If Europa wants to see a positive change towards Freedom of Speech and Press, Human Rights, environment and Peace, that change has to start in the US anyway, at the source!
Europeans cannot vote, but we can help breaking the censorship on Kennedy and the other silenced candidates (see #PardonAssange)!

  • let your friends in the US know (email, phone, doves, smoke-signs…);
  • make the hashtag #EuropeansForKennedy go viral on social media (Telegram, Twitter, Linked-in, TikTok, FB, IG, WA…);
  • use #EuropeansForKennedy in comments under Biden/Harris or Trump videos and articles by MSM;
    (newspapers, magazines, Google, Youtube, Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, PeerTube…);
  • include #EuropeansForKennedy in leaflets, stickers, actions and events, both on line and off line
    especially when US junk-corporations and brands are involved
    (US junk-food, US junk-drinks, US junk-fashion, US junk-news, US junk-movies, US junk-magazines);
  • include #EuropeansForKennedy in your own articles, website, writing, artwork;
  • be inspired and creative and share it with us on Telegram.

In reality this is a global call, but Europa happens to be the part of the world that most suffers* but at the same time is also most collaborative** with the US deep state. (*the citizens, **the politicians and media)

Kennedy's commitment with Julian Assange, Free Speech, Free Press and Peace. Plus historic references.

16 videos found
Was Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Sr. a friend of Israel? (EN►ES/IT/NL)
As attorney-general Robert F. Kennedy was working on turning the AZC into a foreign agent which would have drastically limited its efficiency until President Kennedy was killed.
Israel's second 9/11 - How Zionism conquered JFK, America and Palestine
The murder of JFK over 60 years ago and RFK a few years later were two related coups d'état of the US.
The assassinations of the Kennedy's still casting their shadow over the world even 60 years later
This documentary links the assassinations of JFK and RFK because they wanted AZC/AIPAC to be registered as a foreign agent. This would have Israel loose it's option to become a nuclear power.
Robert Kennedy: the US 'forever' wars, simplistic good-guy bad-guy thinking. (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
1 min
Are we going to remain stuck in the self-righteous story in which America is categorically good and our opponents are irredeemably evil?
Robert Kennedy: a Unity Government of several parties (clip EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
34 sec.
When elected president of the US Robert Kennedy will create a Unity Government consisting of people from all parties/independents.
Who is Bobby Kennedy? What MSM doesn't want you to know.
As an attorney Bobby Kennedy won hundreds of cases against corrupt corporations (Monsanto, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemicals...)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Ucraine, Russia, Zelensky and Putin (EN►ES/IT/NL)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: You know, Putin every day says: "I want to settle the war, let's negotiate."
Biden finally orders protection for Robert Kennedy, the THIRD presidential candidate. (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
37 sec
Mr. Biden has resisted getting RFK secret service protection for a while now, VOTE #PardonAssange - #EuropeansForKennedy
#PardonAssange, Eisenhower, Kennedy - The US 'forever' Wars, Peace, Freedom of Speech... (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
7 min
RFK: "Is this what we want to be? This forever war which has so drained our nation's vitality now threatens to plunge the world into a nuclear Armageddon."
#KennedyForAssange III -RFK will pardon Assange and Snowden (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
45 sec
Julian is kept IN prison because he "influenced" the US elections. Let's get him OUT by "influencing" them again! Wouldn't that be wonderfully ironic ? 😉
Kennedy's petition to Biden to Free Assange urgently! (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL/PO/PT)
45 sec
Kennedy is urging Biden to pardon Julian Assange immediately with this video and a petition on the Kennedy & Shanahan presidential campaign site.
#KennedyForAssange II - RFK will pardon Assange and Snowden (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
1 min
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - "I would put a statue of Snowden in Washington... Assange I’m going to pardon on Day one." (12/06/2023)
#KennedyForAssange I - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pardon Assange and Snowden, when elected President of the US. (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
30 sec
#EuropeansForKennedy -> US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I'm gonna pardon Julian Assange. I'm gonna pardon Edward Snowden.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Russia was forced into it. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
All of these doyens of US Foreign policy were saying: "If we continue to move NATO to the east you're gonna force Russia."
"The very word secrecy is repugnant." |  John F. Kennedy, 27 April 1961
5 min
The very word secrecy is repugnant. - John F. Kennedy, 27 April 1961
Page 1 of 2

#EuropeansForKennedy = #PardonAssange + #PardonSnowden = #FreeTheTRUTH + #USUK
(after Julian’s release #KennedyForAssange shifted to #EuropeansForKennedy)

More RFK videos around the web (EN)



Following in the steps of his father and his well-known uncle JFK, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who has understood that “Making America Great Again” actually starts by restoring the value, respect and honor of the American first and most important amendment. And he understands that this begins with pardoning the two most important whistleblowers of our times: Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Kennedy also defends cash money, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies  against the planned and controlled CBDC of the banks, often together with Catherine Austin Fitts.
Furthermore, Kennedy has also waged an almost lifelong battle against big pharma and, in recent years, against the Covid narrative and all ‘associated’ absurd and destructive measures that totally go against global Human Rights and national Constitutions, the disastrous consequences of which are noticeable worldwide.

Where RFK and Independent Presidential Candidates Are On the Ballot
(New York Times)

RFK References

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, And The Global War On Democracy And Public Health (Book)
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President

Children’s Health Defense Website

Children’s Health Defense On Rumble

Children’s Health Defense On Twitter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos featured on this Rumble channel:
https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow – robert f. kennedy


Michael Smerconish & Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Get Into A Tense Exchange About Anthony Fauci

Trump Channels JFKjr – Vows To Investigate Big Pharma For Autism, Infertility, Illness In Children

RFKjr: We’re Going To Do A Mass Experiment & See What Happens When You Tell People The Truth

Reclaiming Democracy With @ElonMusk And @RobertKennedyJr (Twitter Spaces, June 5, 2023)

Elon Musk: “The United States Has Been The Greatest Force For Benevolence In World History!”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On How We Make People Proud To Be Americans Again

RFK Jr. On COVID Vaccines, Restoring Constitutional Rights, The Politicalization Of U.S. Agencies

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Why Bill Gates & China Are Buying Up All The Farmland In America

What’s Wrong With RFK Jr’s Voice? Was His “Spasmodic Dysphonia” Caused By A Flu Shot?

RFK Jr. Delivers Keynote At Bitcoin 2023: “Totalitarians Hate Anything That They Can’t Control”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. UNCENSORED (Russell Brand Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

What Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Up Against (Krystal Ball Challenges Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Vaccines)

Mike Adams Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. About Kennedy’s Vision For HEALING A Fractured America

Ed Dowd Announces He Will Be Co-Treasurer For Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Presidential Campaign

Buck Sexton On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview Being Censored By ABC News

Biden Refuses To Debate Kennedy; Kennedy Says COVID Advocates Who Violated Law Need To Be Prosecuted

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explains His Position On Climate Change & Pollution

Disgusting, Unprofessional, ILLEGAL: ABC News Censors Kennedy During Primetime Interview

Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kicks Off Democratic Presidential Candidacy Campaign

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. On The Danger Of CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Anthony Fauci And The Public Health Establishment

Jimmy Dore Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Can Becoming President Really Fix Anything?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – How “The Power Of Trusted Authorities” Was Used To Subvert America

“The COVID Cartel” (Featuring Kennedy, Johnson, Stockton, Singleton, Faber, Mauer, Kaplan…)

Dr. Robert Malone: If There’s Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It’s Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism!

The Real Anthony Fauci – Part 1 (1 Hour, 50 Minutes)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Filmmaker Jeff Hays Discuss NEW Documentary “The Real Anthony Fauci”

The Real Anthony Fauci (Introduction To Documentary & Movie Trailer)

Just As The COVID-19 Narrative Started Collapsing, They Changed The Subject

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Why Big Pharma Is Going After Our Children

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly – Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma’s Power – Part 1

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Megyn Kelly – Fauci, Vaccines, And Big Pharma’s Power – Part 2

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Why Tony Fauci Had Such A Big Problem With Early Treatment

Robert Kennedy, Jr. – “We Have To Love Our Freedom More Than We Fear A Germ”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Defeat The Mandates – January 23, 2022 – Full Speech

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviews David E. Martin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – “This Is The Final Battle, We Need To Win This One”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Invites CNN’s Jake Tapper To Discuss COVID-19 Issues

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – “Free Speech Is The Sunlight, Water And Fertilizer For Democracy”