Background and consequences of the Maastricht Treaty 30 years later (video IT)

Background and consequences of the Maastricht Treaty 30 years later – Fabio Sarzi Amadè (IT)

How the European dream of living in a harmonious Community from, for and by the people was degenerated into no more than a stupid market for greedy banks and corporations under USUK neo-liberal pressure after the Maastricht Treaty. Europa stopped being a Community, both in name as in ideology.

But precisely now, since the so-called Covid pandemic when the powers of the world want to deliver the final blow for this “Great Reset” they have imagined and planned, many people are waking up and actually taking up the concept of Community again and the willingness to move back to our natural human essence instead of to a Europa of full of artificiality and ‘smart’ stuff.

Both the 2019 and 2024 elections would have been great opportunities to turn back our good, old, sweet Europa to the COMMUNITY for and by the people that we always were meant to be and that we have been in the beginning, until neo-liberalism took over in 1989 to turn everything EU into a bare, emotionless MARKET USAmerican style, based on just ruthless and frequently corrupt commercial competition by faceless banks and corporations with profit as sole and only goal, leaving all empathy, ethics, morals and humanity in the gutter.

More than ever before Europa needs a Great FREEset for the people instead, which could indeed lead to MEGA: Make Europe Great Again = back to a Community. And this time maybe even a community for real.



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