JFK assassination was a US coupe d etat

CIA whistleblower John Stockwell (1989): “CIA’s Operation Mongoose’s JMWAVE group out of Florida had been attacking Cuba… these people plotted a military-style ambush in Dallas [against John F. Kennedy]…
It was nothing less than a coup d’état.”
(from: https://x.com/upholdreality/status/1831487126363406755)


They hated JFK for the bay of pigs, ending the contra program, space collaboration with USSR, silver standard, declaring withdrawal in Vietnam 1963, registering AIPAC as a foreign agent, threating to destroy CIA and preventing Israel’s nuclear arsenal..

(the above was a repost answer to https://x.com/Uncommonsince76/status/1825002028558422417 – #5 from a thread of 9)

Alright I’ve explained some of the gatekeeping, but I haven’t yet explained a motive still. It’s simple really. Israel wanted a nuclear arsenal, and JFK was against it.

Furthermore, JFK mentioned getting rid of the federal reserve banking system, and this is a key driver in international elite bankers powers. (Rothschilds, etc)

I’ve attached a video of Eustace Mullins explaining the federal reserve system and its founding. I’ve also attached direct letters from JFK to then Israel president David Ben Gurion, explaining why he couldn’t approve nuclear weapons etc.

Once Kennedy was killed, LBJ immediately overlooked Israel’s nuclear enrichment program, and immediately gave Israel unconditional support. What are the odds???

Full thread recapulated at JFK assassination -view by Uncommon Sense (Twitter-X channel)

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