Kennedy and Trump to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)

These US elections will have more impact on the EU(rsula) than our own elections.

In Europa we can only hope that once they start draining the swamp in the US, the EU(rsula) swamp will follow. Since this EU(rsula) is no more than an appendix of the US, the US elections 2024 will have way more impact on the EU than could our own elections.

#EuropeansForKennedy (also with Trump)


#EuropeansForKennedy – how to spread it and make it go viral

The US  swamp is seen by many as the origin of practically all current global problems. If Europa wants to see a positive change towards Freedom of Speech and Press, Human Rights, environment and Peace, that change has to start in the US anyway, at the source!
Europeans cannot vote, but we can help to break the censorship on Kennedy to increase support for the Trump campaign with Kennedy having joined him.

  • let your friends in the US know (email, phone, doves, smoke-signs…);
  • make the hashtag #EuropeansForKennedy go viral on social media (Telegram, Twitter, Linked-in, TikTok, FB, IG, WA…);
  • use #EuropeansForKennedy in comments under Biden/Harris videos and articles by MSM;
    (newspapers, magazines, Google, Youtube, Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, PeerTube…);
  • include #EuropeansForKennedy in leaflets, stickers, actions and events, both on line and off line
    especially when US junk-corporations and brands are involved
    (US junk-food, US junk-drinks, US junk-fashion, US junk-news, US junk-movies, US junk-magazines);
  • include #EuropeansForKennedy in your own articles, website, writing, artwork;
  • be inspired and creative and share it with us on Telegram.

In reality this is a global call, but Europa happens to be the part of the world that most suffers* but at the same time is also most collaborative** with the US swamp. (*the citizens, **the politicians and media)


video first found at:

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