Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intro speech at HHS – abstract (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

So my main mission at HHS,
in which I hope that you will all join me,

is to reverse
the chronic disease epidemic in America.

How are we going to do that?

It isn’t by replacing one paradigm
with another one by force.

I’m not going to come in here
and impose my belief over any of yours.

Instead, we’re going to work together
to launch a new era of radical transparency.

Only through radical transparency…

can we provide Americans
with genuine informed consent,

which is the bedrock
and the foundation stone of democracy.

It’s no secret that many
of our institutions of democracy,

but even of science and medicine,
are no longer transparent.

As a consequence, they have become
inefficient, dysfunctional or corrupt.

They have fallen captive
to the profit-making industries.

They have stagnated in bureaucratic secrecy
and in siloing.

They have lost touch with ordinary citizens.

But here’s the paradox that
a lot of crusaders need to understand.

Most of the people who work in these
institutions and agencies and organizations…

are competent, ethical, and caring.
And idealistic.

I think that’s especially true at HHS.

Last Thursday,
President Trump signed an executive order…

to establish the MAHA Commission…

to study what has caused
the precipitous decline…

in American health
over the past two generations.

So we will convene representatives
of all viewpoints

to study the causes
for the drastic rise in chronic disease.

Some of the possible factors
we’ll investigate were formerly taboo…

or insufficiently scrutinized.

The childhood vaccine schedule,
electromagnetic radiation,

glyphosate, other pesticides,

ultra-processed foods,
artificial food additives,

SSRI and other psychiatric drugs,

PFAs, PFOAs, microplastics…
Nothing is going to be off limits.

Whatever belief or suspicion
I have expressed in the past,

I’m willing to subject them all
to the scrutiny of unbiased science.

That is going to be our template:
unbiased science!

RFK’s introduction speech at HHS (American ministry of health) was one of bringing the people together with a spirit of team-building, mutual collaboration and respect, not one of some kind of dictatorial boss imposing his will as some might have expected.

It isn’t by replacing one paradigm
with another one by force.

I’m not going to come in here
and impose my belief over any of yours.

Instead, we’re going to work together
to launch a new era of radical transparency.

This approach must have been both a relief and a stimulus for all the people who were present and most probably will indeed lead to a spirit of collaboration, transparency and openness. It would be interesting to do an opinion poll about how the work atmosphere has changed within a year or something, which surely will will boil down to “improved”.
We are looking forward to the positive shift that will be occuring over the coming months within the HHS, the whole of the United States and hoping it will serve as an example to follow by the EU, if not now under Ursula and her commission then when she leaves and we will have the opportunity to Make Europa Great Again too.

Again congratulations and thank you mr. Secretary of HHS.

Abstract composed by combining X post 1 and X post 2 (not found back, sorry)
Full video here
HHS employees welcome RFK with open arms
“One after the other, people came up to me and said, ‘I’ve been waiting for this for my whole career. We want to unleash science.”


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