2025: why not a “SMALL Reset”? Roll back all “Covid” laws. (EN/ES/IT/NL)

2025: why not a “SMALL Reset”?

As in the case of other ‘crisis’, the Cov-ID plandemic crisis served as excuse to introduce a series of restrictrive “temporary” decrees and/or laws that were actually never really meant to be cancelled. They were meant to be the first steps towards a “Great Reset” where people just had to accept this “New Normal” that was desired.

Roll back all laws since 2020 that used the pandemic ‘crisis’ as excuse

Now that the new US government has the intention to “Drain the Swamp” and “Make America Healthy Again”, many of these decrees and laws that were based on questionable “science” by biased “experts” may very well be invalidated or retracted. Roughly speaking it could actually lead to just plainly and simply roll back all decrees and laws that were put in place since 2020 with the pandemic ‘crisis’ as excuse. Contrary to that “Great Reset” this might be considered the “SMALL Reset”.


In a few aspects, 2024 may be considered good year:

Global OWO tyranny awareness

Despite all war, disease and other fear mongering by the Old World Order, OWO, this self-appointed global (essentially, Western) elite, has found itself unable to stop the growing global public awareness that our ‘authorities’ are nothing more than that: authoritarian! Not democratic and not for the people but tyrannical and just for themselves. No more than a bunch of corrupt and arrogant liers that back each other in their ivory towers, seeking to (de)organize the world in their own interest.

The C.O.V. ID plandemic backfired

Curiously, the 2020 C.O.V.ID (Certificate Of Vaccination ID – the real meaning of COVID) plandemic and bio-weapon attack that should have been the start of their end-game, pushing the 4th industrial, de-humanizing revolution according to the so-called ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals towards their “Great Reset” has totally backfired. Instead of having empowered their end-game, this year 2024, seems to confirm that it only ignited this growing and unstoppable global public awareness, with the most tangible effect in the US.

Julian Assange FREE and recognized as political prisoner

In june 2024, after some 14 years of illegal and unjust witch hunt, not even the CIA/MIC/Neocon mob were able to hold Julian any more time in prison due to growing public opposition and force. Even if they made Julian sign some secret agreement, they had to let him go. Only three months later, in september, Julian was officially considered to have been a political prisoner by the EU council.

Trump elected president

And in november 2024, against all MSM efforts and odds, Donald Trump was elected president in a landslide that could not even be cancelled by any possible fraud. It means a radical future shift both in US internal and external affairs, in great part going against the OWO “Big Reset” and Agenda 2030 plans. This was not expected nor prepared for by the other Five Eyes countries, the EU or any of the supranational organizations. Hitherto they had been meekly following OWO 2030 policies and instructions that were ordered from the White House and Washington DC, the source and top of the globalist elite.
Now, all of them, out of inertia, are still continuing on the old track, while it’s already clear that the US will be turning towards a different route starting the 21st of January 2025, being the chance of politics regarding the whole Ukraine war and anti Russia/Putin propaganda one of the clearest examples. The EU(rsula) and England will have to adjust their sails if they want to get in line with the US again.
It will be interesting to observe if, when and how EU(rsula) countries are going to cope with that. Is there a chance that Europa now, finally, will stand up as a (diplomatic) power of its own and even might start playing a role as a real independent, objective, just and truly democratic global force? (As may have been the “European Dream” way, way back…)