European Court of Justice – doctors will be solely responsible for the consequences of covid injections

According to a ruling by the European Court of Justice, all healthcare professionals who urged or vaccinated you against Covid are civilly and criminally liable.

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2025: why not a “SMALL Reset”? Roll back all “Covid” laws. (EN/ES/IT/NL)

2024: Gobal OWO tyranny awareness - Cov-ID plandemic backfired - Julian Assange FREE - Trump elected president - 2025: why not a "SMALL Reset" to begin with?

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#EuropeansForKennedy – Also with Trump. Drain the Swamp, MAGA & MAHA! (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

#EuropeansForKennedy · The US elections will IMPACT Europa more than our own elections could ever have!

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Natural clouds

Agenda 2030 seeks to turn everything artificial into the "new normal": intelligence, health, food, beauty, love, war and even the sky. The 2030 "clouds" are not clouds of course, they are chemtrails.

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