Within short, our very exclusive
internal documents from AIFA,
the highest pharmaceutical body in Italy,
which wanted to cover up vaccine failure.
Stay there. Don’t go away.
Very impressive!
4000 dead.
4000 deaths due to failures, lies and
flaws in the management of the pandemic.
Not quite
“the best country in the world”.
Good evening Prof. Maria Rita Gismondi
thank you for being here.
Maybe someone should apologize,
but instead…
one of the star virologists does
something completely different.
Roberto Burioni does not deny anything at all.
He had compared the
“unvaccinated” to rats.
But now he says in a tweet.
that he apologizes to the rats…
for the comparison
with the ‘unvaccinated’.
In the same style as always
from this virologist.
In reality, we think
a lot of people should apologize,
especially after seeing
tonight’s exclusive documents.
Something like Vatican leaks,
with secret documents from the Vatican.
Well we have “vaccine leaks”.
The secret internal documents of the
Italian Pharmaceutical Agency,
revealing some important things…
(apart from what the court of Bergamo
says about what happened next)
about the management of the ‘vaccinations’.
For example this, show me Donato.
This is an internal document, in
which an official within AIFA asks:
“Can you explain to me the
difference between ‘vaccine’ failure…
and the lack of antibodies?”
Because the first alerts have
already arrived in January 2021.
So when the ‘vaccination’
had only just begun,
AIFA is already receiving alerts saying:
Attention, we do ‘vaccinate’ here, but
many people do not produce antibodies.
So an AIFA official says
that’s a vaccine failure.
But AIFA doesn’t want to know about
declaring the vaccination a failure,
for the lack of antibodies.
So this official gets
angry and she says:
I learned in college that
the purpose of a vaccine…
is to make antibodies.
If the vaccine doesn’t produce antibodies,
isn’t that a vaccine failure?
Dear AIFA, she says,
if no antibodies are produced…
then I have to consider that
as a failed vaccination.
However, AIFA answers: “NO”.
If we accept the absence of
antibodies as a failed vaccination,
then we do not comply with
the guidelines of the EMA.
And so what do we do?
We’ll adjust it and we’ll
remove “vaccination failure”.
So, for the sake of not saying,
that if no antibodies are produced…
it is a failed vaccination, the
procedures are adjusted.
This is part of the documents
that Maria Cana will show you.
I’ve heard it said that the ‘vaccinated’
get the virus and infect others.
That’s not true at all.
It is a lie.
It’s September 2021.
The then Secretary of State for Health,
Pier Paolo Sileri,
says in parliament that those
who take the vaccine will not be infected.
Two months earlier, then Prime
Minister Mario Draghi had already said so.
You don’t take a ‘vaccine’,
you get sick and you die.
Or make you die.
In reality that is not the case.
The Prime Minister and the Secretary
of State should know very well.
Who should know for sure is the highest
health authority in our country, AIFA.
What I have here are some
internal AIFA documents,
which we will be showing
you exclusively tonight.
Here a communication from the Umbria region.
19 january 2021, ‘vaccination’ had just started.
But the region realizes
that there are ‘vaccinated’…
that do not produce antibodies
and can therefore become infected.
An alert is sent to AIFA.
And this is AIFA’s answer
of 19 January 2021.
In the absence of criteria
for the definition of failure
“lack of effectiveness”
should not be stated.
If the ‘vaccine’ doesn’t work,
it won’t be said. And that’s it!
That way they can
continue to sell their lies.
I’ve heard it said that the ‘vaccinated’
get the virus and infect others.
That’s not true.
It’s a lie.
So when the Secretary of State
says this in parliament,
it has already been nine months
that alerts to the authorities are sent…
of ‘vaccinated’ who
have become infected.
But the health authorities
are trying to silence everything.
“Lack of effectiveness”
must not be stated.
But the alerts keep coming.
Shortly after, in March 2021, AIFA will also
receive those from the Liguria region.
The subject clearly says:
cases of lack of effectiveness Comirnaty,
aka Pfizer.
It states cases of two-dose ‘vaccinated’
who have become infected.
Also in this case AIFA
hides the problem.
The attempts to conceal
everything are so blatant…
that the AIFA officials themselves
have to raise doubts.
As this other internal document shows.
I learned in college that the
purpose of “vaccinating” is…
stimulate the immune
system to produce antibodies.
If the ‘vaccine’ doesn’t produce them
what effect did it have? None, right?
In other words, lack of effectiveness
and therefore failure of the ‘vaccine’.
If a vaccine doesn’t produce antibodies,
it should be considered a failure…
says this AIFA official.
Is she right?
We ask Dr. Maurizio Federico,
Director of Research…
of the Higher Institute of Health,
who speaks here in a personal capacity.
All vaccines have the goal…
to stimulate the immune
system to produce antibodies.
If it doesn’t create it,
it’s hard for it to work.
Clear right? To work, a
vaccine must produce antibodies,
but instead…
Listen to AIFA’s reply to the official
who expressed her doubts.
If we pass off the absence of
antibodies as a failed ‘vaccination’,
we fall outside the guidelines of EMA.
(European Medicines Agency).
We think it is better
to leave out “failure”.
In order not to talk about failure, AIFA
thinks it is better to adjust the definitions.
Not much respect for science.
That of “failed vaccination”
is most relevant.
The fact,
that a person despite the ‘vaccination’…
does not produce antibodies and does
not have the desired immune response.
So according to science, if there are no
antibodies, then the vaccine has failed.
But AIFA does not see it that way and
they confirmed it a few months ago,
in the response to this alert
from Spedali Civili di Brescia.
We have noticed, on the part of
Spedali Civili di Brescia,
a high number of alerts of
ineffectiveness of the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’.
Also these cases are not being
categorized as “failed vaccination”.
AIFA does everything to avoid
calling the ‘vaccine’ a failure.
In this AIFA internal document,
as you see here,
there can only be spoken
about failed vaccination,
if a ‘vaccine’, who becomes infected,
has symptoms.
So people without
symptoms don’t count.
And if they did the molecular test, so
not the more widespread “rapid tests”.
Molecular test with positive result.
Symptoms must be present.
There is more.
When asked for explanations…
about the projects of active
surveillance called VigiCovid,
that AIFA should have started
to check people with vaccine damage,
see what AIFA writes.
The Vigicovid project
should not be taken into account.
If we want to survive,
we must learn not to answer.
Do not observe.
And don’t answer.
What a pity that transparency
is mandatory for public authorities,
because without transparency
it is possible to lie…
even in parliament.
I’ve heard it said that the ‘vaccinated’
get the virus and infect others.
That is not true.
That is a lie.
Professor, can you explain it in a way
that even my mother can understand?
We can give a very banal example.
If I take an aspirin for a headache
and the headache continues…
then the aspirin didn’t work.
Then it failed.
The purpose of vaccination is for the body
to produce the defense through antibodies,
so that you don’t get infected
by the disease that is out there.
And this did not happen.
Plus, as we’ve said before, there’s
always that storm of accusations…
towards those who alert
about these kinds of deficiencies…
to be branded “no-vax”
or people to be avoided.
– The “rats” of my colleague.
– Colleague Burioni’s rats.
– So the researcher is right.
– Absolutely!
But do you know
what’s so bad about this?
That the first alerts,
we showed the documents,
already arrived in January, so at
the very beginning of the ‘vaccination’.
But the president in July and
the secretary of state in September…
insist that those who gets ‘vaccinated’
cannot become infected.
But we see that the documents
indicate the opposite.
And the point is that
these lies have continued.
Do you remember that…
in order to justify
the obligation of the green pass,
our then prime minister said…
that the green pass
would have protected everyone.
And right there I said, that’s exactly
what will cause more infections,
because with this misinformation,
people felt safe…
– and took no further measures.
– Precisely!
Yes that was harmful. Because
concealing information is always harmful.
And we don’t want
to hide information.
We do not want to hide information.
[ subtitled with ♥ ]
[ Agenda2029 ]
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AIFA, the ruling Agency for Pharmaceutics in Italy, chose to not publish any of the alerts on the failure of the ‘vaccinations’ that emerged right from the start in january 2021… But did this only happen in Italy? (references are welcome)
Source: Fuori dal Coro 14/03/2023