Israel’s second 9/11 – How Zionism conquered JFK, America and Palestine

The murder of JFK over 60 years ago and RFK a few years later were definitely two consecutive coups d’état of the US. Ever since the world was plunged into the horrible “forever wars” that still continue and are worsening today!
The US and the world NEED another Kennedy to bring this to an end.

7:13 Kennedy Peace versus Israeli Conquest
44:10 Israel’s Operation Cyanide and Plans for a Nuclear Attack on Egypt
1:03:44 Israel’s First 9/11 and the War of Terror
1:31:04 Do We Live in a Democracy?
1:53:17 Israel’s Puppet Show
1:54:19 Israel’s Second 9/11 & the Israeli/U.S. Genocide in Gaza


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