MEP Christine Anderson on EU(rsula) lies and genetist Alexandra Henrion-Caude on Covid vaccine lies (EN/FR)

“The sorcerer’s apprentices” at the European Parliament

MEP Christine Anderson on EU(rsula) lies and Alexandra Henrion-Caude (internationally recognized genetist) on Covid vaccine lies. 

With a deserved reference to Rob Roos as the man who made Pfizer fall.

Strangely enough this videso has not been censored right away (05/05/2023 ) by GooTube (as coined by James Corbett) or blocked by fuct-checkers (uncoined). Even so, reserving space for the censorsafe copy and possible future subtitles.

Original GooTube description

150,833 views Apr 21, 2023
Conférence de la Fondation ID sur la gestion du COVID dans l’UE, sous l’angle du vaccin ARN messager, organisée par Virginie Joron et Christine Anderson en présence d’Alexandra Henrion-Caude le 18 avril 2023.


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