Was Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Sr. a friend of Israel? (EN►ES/IT/NL)
As attorney-general Robert F. Kennedy was working on turning the AZC into a foreign agent which would have drastically limited its efficiency until President Kennedy was killed.
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As attorney-general Robert F. Kennedy was working on turning the AZC into a foreign agent which would have drastically limited its efficiency until President Kennedy was killed.
JFK mentioned getting rid of the Federal Reserve banking system and this is a key driver in international elite bankers powers
The murder of JFK over 60 years ago and RFK a few years later were two related coups d'état of the US.
This documentary links the assassinations of JFK and RFK because they wanted AZC/AIPAC to be registered as a foreign agent. This would have Israel loose it's option to become a nuclear power.
Kennedy wanted to end the cold war. He signed a treaty with the soviets to ban nuclear testing. He refused to invade cuba in 1962 and he set out to withdraw from Vietnam.”
CIA whistleblower John Stockwell (1989): "CIA's Operation Mongoose's JMWAVE group out of Florida plotted a military-style ambush in Dallas against John F. Kennedy.
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Are we going to remain stuck in the self-righteous story in which America is categorically good and our opponents are irredeemably evil?
When elected president of the US Robert Kennedy will create a Unity Government consisting of people from all parties/independents.
As an attorney Bobby Kennedy won hundreds of cases against corrupt corporations (Monsanto, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemicals...)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: You know, Putin every day says: "I want to settle the war, let's negotiate."