“How do you know if you are transgender?”
as if that is the new norm.
In addition, extensive
information can be found…
about no less than
90 different sex techniques,
such as anal sex, cunnilingus, blowjobs,
squirting, rimming, SM and so on.
Remember that the youngest children in
high school are sometimes only 11 years old.
Do you think such things
should be told to children?
On top of that,
practitioners are recommended…
where children can go to carry
out irreversible treatments,
such as obtaining hormones
and puberty blockers from the age of 11.
Smoking, alcohol and tattoos
all have a higher age limit than this.
Even referrals to practitioners are provided
for irreversible gender reassignment surgery.
It shouldn’t get any crazier.
In addition to this poster,
secondary schools…
pay a lot of attention
to this rainbow ideology.
Think of posters, flags, festive days,
festive months, guest lessons,
GSA associations, which stands for
Gender and Sexuality Alliance,
and so on.
This would all be, to show that…
everyone can be
who he or she is…
and that everyone should
feel respected at school.
This therefore suggests…
that anyone who does not support
this rainbow ideology…
also does not support this acceptance…
and believes that these
people should not be accepted.
As far as I am concerned,
and knowing what many others think,
everyone should be respected
and be able to feel at home,
but shouldn’t this ideology be pushed
through this rainbow propaganda,
and certainly not amongst
children or in education.
Let parents take the lead in the
sexual education of their children…
and convey their value.
In my opinion, schools and government
should be neutral…
and not have the goal of indoctrinating
children on controversial topics,
or tell them how to think.
And maybe you say:
“But we have no say in what
happens in these schools.”
That’s a weak attitude!
And you do normalize
these extreme ideas…
by facilitating the
setting up of GSAs…
and information at schools,
sports clubs and libraries.
Municipality of Westland,
stop facilitating this rainbow agenda…
at schools, sports clubs
and public facilities…
and let parents raise
their own children…
and allow people
to follow their own moral compass.
Thank you.
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The question is not whether it is wrong to teach children to be inclusive with respect to LGBTI persons, but why is there suddenly an apparent obsession, that seems to have arisen simultaneously in many countries in a few years, to teach this inclusiveness collectively by making young children in school consciously think, and thereby possibly even raise doubts, about the acceptance of their own natural gender and their own sexual preference? What if that’s precisely what confuses them, because they are not ready yet? Is natural development not enough anymore? How does it compare with ourselves?
“Today I talk about the so-called rainbow propaganda at schools…
…promotion is made for the website iedereenisanders.nl (EverybodyIsDifferent), a project by various organizations, which, among other things, are committed to a diverse and inclusive society in collaboration with the dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. It addresses, for example, the question of whether you might be transgender, bisexual, intersex, pansexual, asexual, nominal or something else.”
The first question on this website is striking.
“How do you know if you are transgender?”
as if that is the new norm.
More than just “inclusion”?
The LGBTI community is a minority within the total population and history shows that minorities are easily discriminated against. Of course, reducing discrimination against this LGBTI community, as against all minorities, is a nice goal within a society that indeed wants to live together in a harmonious and inclusive way, where everyone can be as he or she wants to be.
It can be said that the degree of discrimination is inversely proportional to the degree of inclusiveness, so complete absence of discrimination in fact equals complete inclusiveness.
But if inclusion were the real and only aim of the Dutch government, it would suffice to conduct a survey of the level of non-discrimination, or tolerance, among the population and, if necessary, take action to increase that tolerance. In that case, the simple question would be: “How tolerant are you toward the LGBTI community?” or “Do you think everyone can live his/her (sexual) life as they see fit?“. In other words, asking for opinions ABOUT the LGBTI community.
What this government-backed website really does, however, is to push young people to think whether or not they might be LGBTI themselves. In fact, the website makes it seem as if everyone should undertake this “discovery” of their own identity (intended only sexual). That’s a completely different perspective.And then they don’t even ask the simplest and most obvious question whether the young person interviewed might sometimes have homosexual feelings (the vast majority of the entire LGBTI community anyway, so mainly just LGB).But no, the immediate question is why don’t you actually just question your own natural gender that you were born with.And they unsolicitedly (and usually unwantedly) bother young children with: whether they might be trans, intersex, pan or non-binary.That starts to sound like a supermarket!One step further and they can order it from Amazon.
Evoking doubt where it does not (yet) exist?
Obviously, the mere fact of asking the question raises that very doubt. This is an extremely simple and old psychological trick which has been exploited ad nauseam for centuries by advertising, marketing and all other kinds of propaganda. Just by asking the question you ensure that something that someone normally doesn’t even think about suddenly becomes an issue.This tactic is so obvious that everyone can naturally sense it (apart from a few unwilling exceptions, of course).And it is clear that this sneaky psychological trick is stronger in children and young people, precisely because they are still in the middle of the process of developing their own personal image of themselves, life and society.
Knowingly, why?
So why does the Dutch government (and not only), knowingly (and purposefully?), support the raising of this completely unnecessary doubt, especially among children and young people, in such a targeted and forced way? In any case, it is an issue that would resolve itself over time through a personal and natural process. And even in the case of the extremely small minority that does maintain personal doubts about their own gender… the vast rest (99%?) doesn’t need to be involved, right?
It almost seems as if there is some kind of obsession to force this mindset into the future society as quickly as possible, starting in primary schools. Many people therefore have the impression that it is not at all about the real concern for an undisturbed, free, personal development and ultimate sexual choice of young people, but about an instrumentalization of the entire LGBTI community with an unspoken political goal.
Part of Agenda 2030
Gender equality and inclusion (in other words: non-discrimination of, among others, the LGBTI community) are included in the so-called SDGs of the infamous 2030 Agenda, which strives for a single, centrally controlled global society. What is happening in the Netherlands is also happening in many other, especially Western, countries. But why they suddenly have decided to completely jump to the other extreme with regard to sexual choice and gender identification is not made clear. They seem to want to impose this “positive discrimination” on just about everyone, for which it would no longer being a free, independent, personal choice..
Explanation of the table. “Excluding the answers “neither,” “don’t know,” and “don’t want to answer”, 94.2% of the Dutch population is heterosexual and 5.8% LGBT in the most recent SLI measurement (2014).”
This table only measures lesbian, gay and bisexual. Trans and other gender doubts are not even included, could it be because it is “statistically irrelevant”?
Views 2014 (NL)
Explanation of graph:
The statement read, “gay men and lesbians should be free to live their lives as they see fit. Participants answered on a 5-point scale (1 = totally agree; 5 = totally disagree). The percentages in the gure refer to participants who either completely agreed or agreed with the statement (answer 1 or 2).
Again, the question is limited only to views on homosexuality. But it can be assumed to be representative of basically all sexually deviant (not the heterosexual majority) behavior, i.e. LGBT as a whole.
This graph shows that there was actually almost no serious discrimination (anymore) in NL already in 2014, and that proportion has only increased with time, all over Europe.
So actually there is hardly any need to “promote” tolerance. The population itself is already naturally evolving in the direction of inclusivity.
The SCP estimates that between 0.6% and 0.7% of the Dutch population (approximately 102,000 persons) is transgender. This group does not identify with the gender registered at birth.
Of secondary school students, about 0.7% feel they are different from their assigned gender. (Kuyper, 2017)
So why do governments support:
1 – Asking people about possible doubts about one’s own natural gender?
2 – And putting that question to high school children?
3 – And moreover allow irreversible treatments and operations on their own initiative for sex-change?
Might not this enormous exaggeration produce just the opposite effect?
And all this, for the inclusion of an absolute minority, which is already quite included, or is there some other reason to make children doubt unnecessarily about a matter that will develop naturally and personally anyway?
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