FULL post – example and explanation

  • Post author:Starter
  • Post published:21/10/2022
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Participants

(article written with full blog post)

This header is Heading 3 size

For the the essential text options, please, see simple blog post example and explanation.

New BLOG Post – Full gives you additonal options for:

  • Text editing
  • Images in article
  • Tags

Extra text editing options

The two most useful extra text options are:

  1. Headings (from the drop down box)
    Headings for your content blocks choosing different sizes. On this web we mostly use “Heading 3” size like above.
  2. Text colour
    If you want to call extra attention to specific words or parts of your text. Don’t use this too much though, because then the contents becomes chaotic.


The most important difference is the possibility to add images to your content in between your text, like the images on this page. Just click the Insert Photo button and you can choose an image from your smartphone or desktop. It will appear where your cursor is at that moment.

It will place a reduced version of the image in your content, but when you click on it, it will open in a Lightbox, full screen or the original size of the image if it’s smaller.

Links and videos

Links to images or videos can also be opened in the lightbox. You can also place a video directly in the content by just including its address or URL (for youtube or vimeo).


You can add tags to organize your post by categories, names or any kind of reference you want.

This is it for the moment.
Just go and try. If there is something not explained (well), please let us know and we will add or improve.

WP Codes

Additionally there are specific WP codes for certain options  or functionality that you can include in your article. They will be explained and updated on a dedicated page (work in progress).

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