EUrsula, WEF, Tedros, Draghi
Ursula von der Leyen gives a surprising statement; the bigger surprise is, she is still in power
Now, on the failure of implementing an embargo, the European Union Chief Ursula von der Leyen has given a hilarious remark.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Humiliated Himself at WHO Director General Candidates Forum
Six candidates have been proposed by Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) to replace the outgoing Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, by the end of June next year.
How a business conference turned into the world’s most exclusive party
How a small Swiss town became the world’s most exclusive hangout for billionaires wanting to feel better about themselves.
Title: How the World Economic Forum became the most exclusive party ever
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Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau – EMA | Europese Unie
Het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau beschermt en bevordert de gezondheid van mens en dier door geneesmiddelen te evalueren in de EU. Lees over zijn werkzaamheden.
Video Gates wants land and water.
Gates grabs land not only for agricultural monopoly but also for the water under it.
Inventor of the mRNA technology confirms the Grand Jury Investigation takes on Big Pharma
They spent 10 Billion dollars deploying Military Grade Psychological Operations against Americans for three years to force mRNA injections on the population and our children.
1. Introduzione
2. Storia delle Nazioni Unite
3. I membri dell'ONU
4. Gli organi dell'ONU
2. Storia delle Nazioni Unite
3. I membri dell'ONU
4. Gli organi dell'ONU
UN General Assembly, New York, 20-23 September 2022
The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, addressed the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on behalf of the EU on Friday 23 September.
Algemene organisaties van de Verenigde Naties
Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de internationale organisaties met een link naar de pagina over carrièrekansen op de website van de organisatie.
blijkt aan alle kanten dat het wereldwijde pandemie-beleid aan elkaar hangt van leugens en corruptie.
Wolfgang Wodarg | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
In this intimate sit down interview with Wolfgang Wodarg, we discuss the broad issue of corruption in the WHO, how we should understand the “pandemic,” or lack there of and how we must stop this diabo
De Andere Krant - “Georganiseerde misleiding in Italië”: Joris Baas
Joris Baas: Na de ‘uitbraak’, sloeg de paniek over op de rest van Europa
Italiaanse topviroloog onthult: ‘Zo logen politiek en media ons voor’
Journalist Billy Six sprak afgelopen maand over de coronacrisis met de Italiaanse professor Maria Rita Gismondo toen ze te gast was in het Duitse parlement.
Topviroloog Italië spreekt over “psychologische pandemie”
De Andere Krant - Planbureau oppert ‘planeetpuntensysteem’ voor toekomst zonder fossiele energie: Rypke Zeilmaker
Rypke Zeilmaker: Niet alleen dieren, maar ook natuurgebieden krijgen rechten
OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL ( Share ) - Brand New Tube is a Video Sharing Platform. Focusing on news of the world. A platform which wouldn’t suppress your opinions. We will not hide the truth!!
Operazione Piccola Italia-Andrea Libero Gioia/Mirco Carotenuto
L'operazione Piccola Italia si pone l'obbiettivo di collegare 6.000.000 di italiani consapevoli e ad unirli in un unico blocco,
spostandoli tutti in una sola regione italiana, in questo caso l'Umbria.
spostandoli tutti in una sola regione italiana, in questo caso l'Umbria.
Chi siamo? – Onda Libera
“Le bugie sono le fondamenta del potere, i disinformati sono i mattoni della schiavitù” – Domenico Adonnini –
Neonaturalesimo© - Associazione Dicentra
La dottrina del Neonaturalesimo© è riassunta nei seguenti sedici punti fondativi:
BitChute is a peer-to-peer social video platform.
BitChute aims to put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.
Full transcript of Julian Assange’s speech outside Ecuador’s London
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Julian Assange Historic speech @ Ecuador Embassy 19/08/2012
Julian Assange Speech below at the Ecuador Embassy
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Julian ASSANGE speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy Oct 21, 2016 | Alternative | Before It’s News
Julian ASSANGE speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy October 21, 2016 A historic speech to match the historic Gettsburg Address by Trump the next day. The forces of Humanity are gathering for a final battle with the forces of Oppression. A divided nation that…
Coronavirus: il 31 marzo si chiude lo stato di emergenza
Con il Decreto Legge n. 24 del 24 marzo, il Consiglio dei Ministri ha disposto al 31 marzo 2022 la chiusura dello stato di emergenza dichiarato il 31