Citizens’ initiative for constitutional amendment in Italy
The "Assemblea Costituente dei Cittadini" proposes that the Constitution explicitly prohibit any direct or indirect health obligation.
The "Assemblea Costituente dei Cittadini" proposes that the Constitution explicitly prohibit any direct or indirect health obligation.
Invitation to actively declare that you do NOT CONSENT with the upcoming UN declaration on Pandemic Prevention, preparedness and Response on 20/09/2023 (European format! 😉
#KeepCash #KeepCashAlive - Cash must be preserved and with it individual freedom to spend, without any institution nosing around in your private matters.
In European politics, Slovenia is ahead of all other states, the government says it wants to restore confidence in the rule of law and therefore it will compensate all damages suffered by citizens due to the laws applied during the pandemic, which were declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.
This bar doesn't accept cash.
#KeepCash #KeepCashAlive - Refuse CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and apps. They take away your individual liberty to freely decide what to do with your money. Forever!
Human Essence cannot be captured by anything artifical. In fact Natural Essence can't be captured by anything artificial. No matter how much they like to call it "intelligence", artificial simply…
The EU Commission, as both prosecutor and judge in mass censorship starting from 25 August 2023
The University of Siena, Italy awarded an honorary doctorate to none other than Anthony Fauci. Yes, the same Fauci who deliberately caused the worldwide Covid hysteria.
The First International Event “Caterina da Siena Humanitary & Health Award”
We all are quite aware that if Julian Assange had not been locked up, the narrative of this period would have been quite different...