2025: why not a “SMALL Reset”? Roll back all “Covid” laws. (EN/ES/IT/NL)

2024: Gobal OWO tyranny awareness - Cov-ID plandemic backfired - Julian Assange FREE - Trump elected president - 2025: why not a "SMALL Reset" to begin with?

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#EuropeansForKennedy – Also with Trump. Drain the Swamp, MAGA & MAHA! (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

#EuropeansForKennedy · The US elections will IMPACT Europa more than our own elections could ever have!

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The sneaky war on farmers worldwide. #FreeAssange is also in their interest. (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

(DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL) Almost any fight against the corrupt (media) system is a #FreeAssange fight! because #FreeTheTruth (any truth!) = #FreeThePress = #FreeAssange

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#USUK! US UK, the two frustrated bullies of the world. (EN/ES/IT/NL)

This is no more than a US UK frustrated revenge on Julian and a tyrannical attack on Freedom of the Press Freedom of Expression and Justice in general of every Human on earth by the two bullies of the planet.

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#FreeAssange – Day X has arrived! 20-21 February 2024, UK High Court (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

(EN/ES/IT/NL) The UK High Court has confirmed that a public hearing will take place on 20-21 February 2024. This may be the final chance for Julian Assange to prevent his extradition to the US. 

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#FreeAssange (EN/ES/IT/NL)

#FreeAssange! - Julian Assange is an Australian journalist who helped reveal US military crimes and corruption. Julian was never charged, but UK still unjustly decided to torture and kill him in Belmarsh prison. #USUK!

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Nikola Tesla, the genius who brought electricity and radio to the world.

Had Tesla not been opposed, would the world actually have enjoyed free and clean electricity right from the early years of the 1900s, in place of the monopolized and dirty oil we have suffered instead?

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