Biden finally orders protection for Robert Kennedy, the THIRD presidential candidate. (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)


President Biden, doubling down
on safety this week.

Following the failed assassination
of former president Donald Trump…

he is now ordering protection
for the THIRD presidential candidate,

independent front-runner
Robert. F. Kennedy Jr.

Mr. Biden has resisted getting RFK
secret service protection for a while now,

as he’s only legally required
to provide protection…

to the two major party president
and vice-presidential candidates.

RFK Jr. who has seen security threaths

has been paying for private security.

Kennedy thanks the president for the
extention of the protection for him as well.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pardon Julian Assange immediatelystop the US ‘forever’ wars and create a unity government when elected President of the US.

But Kennedy is being silenced! by the same people and entities that wanted to keep Julian in Belmarsh or worse. A large part of USAmericans doesn’t even know that Kennedy is a presidential candidate 2024.
We can help both Julian and RFK …by making the hashtag #EuropeansForKennedy go viral!
More under – why and how!

Kennedy's commitment with Julian Assange, Free Speech, Free Press and Peace. Plus historic references.

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#EuropeansForKennedy = #PardonAssange + #PardonSnowden = #FreeTheTRUTH + #USUK
(after Julian’s release #KennedyForAssange shifted to #EuropeansForKennedy)


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