Internal use – codes, tryouts and stuff

{aiovg_video autoplay="0" id="13630" ]
{aiovg_videos template="popup" include="13630" autoplay="0"]


  • New: Added “Lazyloading” for images and iframes used by the plugin, improving page load times and performance.
  • New: Enhanced the
    single video shortcode to support dynamic video display based on specified “category,” “tag,” and “sort” attributes, giving users more control over which videos are shown.
  • New: Support for the PiP (Picture-in-Picture) feature in the video player.
  • Fix: Pages show a 404 error when the “Permalink Slugs” settings field is empty.
  • New: Chapter Markers.
  • New: Likes / Dislikes.
  • New: Support for the PiP (Picture-in-Picture) feature in the video player.
  • New: Added the ability to use shortcodes from third-party plugins within video descriptions for greater flexibility and functionality.
  • New: Introduces a new shortcode that displays the videos related to the current video on the single video pages.
  • New: Introduces a new “Menu Order” option in the plugin’s “Order By” settings for videos and categories. This allows you to customize the videos and categories ordering using third-party plugins like Simple Custom Post Order.

31 videos found
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intro speech at HHS – abstract (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intro speech at HHS – abstract (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
I'm not going to come in here and impose my belief over any of yours. Instead, we're going to work together to launch a new era of radical transparency. RFK Jr. MAHA Secretary of HHS
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sworn in as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sworn in as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
RFK for HHS. Congratulations Bobby! Also from Europa.
RFK’s 2020 predictions on Fauci, Gates and Covid jabs. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
RFK’s 2020 predictions on Fauci, Gates and Covid jabs. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
Speaking in August 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made these predictions about Fauci, Gates and the Covid jab.
#PardonAssange and take the path towards PEACE (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
#PardonAssange and take the path towards PEACE (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
From Eisenhower 1961 "Military-Industrial Complex" and JFK 1963 "Ruthless Conspiracy" and Julian Assange's 2011 "Wars are started by lies" to Biden 2024 nuclear risk. #PardonAssange and open a Path to Peace!
All we do is throw rocks at Kennedy… (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
All we do is throw rocks at Kennedy… (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
All we do is throw rocks at him, as opposed to saying: "You know what? If there's evidence..." There has been some corporate captures of some of these agencies.
Journalist Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies. (EN)
Journalist Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies. (EN)
In essence: the American war against Russia through Ukraine only endangers peace in Europa, not in the US. 
KamalaHaha, Hillarious and EUrsula want to increase censorship (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
KamalaHaha, Hillarious and EUrsula want to increase censorship (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
While UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women insist in increasing censorship, Julian Assange was recognized as a political prisoner by the EU Council
Bobby Kennedy explains how Trump learned and grew wiser. (EN►DE/ES/IT/NL)
Bobby Kennedy explains how Trump learned and grew wiser. (EN►DE/ES/IT/NL)
Robert F. Kennedy explains how Trump learned from his first presidency and changed to do better. That's why he surrounded himself with a strong team to begin with.
Why vote Trump? Robert F. Kennedy
Why vote Trump? Robert F. Kennedy
A vote for Trump is a vote for Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Avoid war, vote Trump.” (EN/ES/IT/NL)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Avoid war, vote Trump.” (EN/ES/IT/NL)
A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for war. Dick Cheney, the driving force behind the Iraq War that killed more than one million human beings, endorsed Kamala Harris.
RFK on the WEF: it’s “a billionaires’ boys’ club”
RFK on the WEF: it’s “a billionaires’ boys’ club”
The WEF is "a billionaires' boys' club that’s arranging for the world to shift wealth upward, and to clamp down totalitarian controls on everybody else"
Bill Gates indicted in the Netherlands, then donates 50 Million $ to Harris campaign… (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
Bill Gates indicted in the Netherlands, then donates 50 Million $ to Harris campaign… (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
A Dutch court has ruled that Bill Gates must stand trial in the Netherlands over allegations tied to COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
EU/UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women want to increase censorship… (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
EU/UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women want to increase censorship… (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women Kamala, Hillary and EUrsula insist in increasing censorship, while Julian Assange was recognized as a political prisoner by the EU Council
Robert F. Kennedy on the toxic US industry junk food – MAHA! (EN)
Robert F. Kennedy on the toxic US industry junk food – MAHA! (EN)
Tartrazine (artificial yellow color) is just one of at least 100 toxic chemichals that are used in industrial US junk food and is found to cause: lots of diseases.
Kennedy and Trump to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
Kennedy and Trump to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
Once they start draining the US swamp, the EU(rsula) swamp will surely follow. That's why these US elections are more important for us than our own.

31 videos found
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intro speech at HHS - abstract (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
I'm not going to come in here and impose my belief over any of yours. Instead, we're going to work together to launch a new era of radical transparency. RFK Jr. MAHA Secretary of HHS
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sworn in as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
RFK for HHS. Congratulations Bobby! Also from Europa.
RFK's 2020 predictions on Fauci, Gates and Covid jabs. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
Speaking in August 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made these predictions about Fauci, Gates and the Covid jab.
#PardonAssange and take the path towards PEACE (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
From Eisenhower 1961 "Military-Industrial Complex" and JFK 1963 "Ruthless Conspiracy" and Julian Assange's 2011 "Wars are started by lies" to Biden 2024 nuclear risk. #PardonAssange and open a Path to Peace!
All we do is throw rocks at Kennedy... (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
All we do is throw rocks at him, as opposed to saying: "You know what? If there's evidence..." There has been some corporate captures of some of these agencies.
Journalist Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies. (EN)
In essence: the American war against Russia through Ukraine only endangers peace in Europa, not in the US. 
KamalaHaha, Hillarious and EUrsula want to increase censorship (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
While UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women insist in increasing censorship, Julian Assange was recognized as a political prisoner by the EU Council
Bobby Kennedy explains how Trump learned and grew wiser. (EN►DE/ES/IT/NL)
Robert F. Kennedy explains how Trump learned from his first presidency and changed to do better. That's why he surrounded himself with a strong team to begin with.
Why vote Trump? Robert F. Kennedy
A vote for Trump is a vote for Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Avoid war, vote Trump." (EN/ES/IT/NL)
A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for war. Dick Cheney, the driving force behind the Iraq War that killed more than one million human beings, endorsed Kamala Harris.
RFK on the WEF: it's "a billionaires' boys' club"
The WEF is "a billionaires' boys' club that’s arranging for the world to shift wealth upward, and to clamp down totalitarian controls on everybody else"
Bill Gates indicted in the Netherlands, then donates 50 Million $ to Harris campaign... (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
A Dutch court has ruled that Bill Gates must stand trial in the Netherlands over allegations tied to COVID-19 vaccine injuries.
EU/UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women want to increase censorship... (EN►DE/ES/FR/IT/NL)
UN/WEF Agenda 2030 women Kamala, Hillary and EUrsula insist in increasing censorship, while Julian Assange was recognized as a political prisoner by the EU Council
Robert F. Kennedy on the toxic US industry junk food - MAHA! (EN)
Tartrazine (artificial yellow color) is just one of at least 100 toxic chemichals that are used in industrial US junk food and is found to cause: lots of diseases.
Kennedy and Trump to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL)
Once they start draining the US swamp, the EU(rsula) swamp will surely follow. That's why these US elections are more important for us than our own.
Page 1 of 3

Questions and problems to solve…

  1. WPUF
    1. WPUF endless redirect error!!?
    2. Embed content!
    3. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin Integration
      maybe Public/Password/Private integration? (but you have to install ACF…)
      add a (custom) field to make the post private or protected?
    4. WPUF Form metabox?
    5. Use any plugin from frontend!
    6. Add images from Media??
    7. Why does the text-area remain visible (EDIT link at bottom) for EVERYBODY, even if in the settings “Visibility” is set to “Logged in users only” (that should be a condition for “Show data in Post” right?)
    8. Why is “Default Value” not respected when you make the field “Read Only”? Its contents simply disappears.
    9. Would it be possible to add a (custom) field to make the post private or protected?
    10. (Custom) field for language? (if not to change it, at least as an indication?)
    11. PROUser directory
      Handle user listing and user profile in the frontend. Create a directory site easily.
  2. WP Lightbox
    1. Waar komt dat scroll-ding vandaan in de video lightbox
    2. Doet de gallery het nou wel? (check, vergelijk met
    3. iframe refuses to display
  3. Totalpoll
    1. Add title field and exerpt field in translation options.

References and error-solutions


WP(UF) Codes and references for the site

AIOGV shortcodes (normal and popup)

Adapted Pardon Assange video 2024

1 video found
#PardonAssange and take the path towards PEACE (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
From Eisenhower 1961 "Military-Industrial Complex" and JFK 1963 "Ruthless Conspiracy" and Julian Assange's 2011 "Wars are started by lies" to Biden 2024 nuclear risk. #PardonAssange and open a Path to Peace!

Original #FreeAssange compilation 2023

1 video found
#PardonAssange, Eisenhower, Kennedy - The US 'forever' Wars, Peace, Freedom of Speech... (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)
7 min
From Eisenhower's 1961 warning "Military-Industrial Complex" and JFK's 1963 warning "Ruthless Conspiracy" to Julian Assange's 2011 "Wars are started by lies" - #FreeAssange #FreeThePress

From vimeo with embed

and this is the embed code:

<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;">
<iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

WP Visibility!! (functions, hooks, classes, methods ???)
Trying to add “private” option in WPUF (per post not whole blog)
trying, trying, trying also on

<a href="/edit/?pid=566">EDIT</a>


<hr /><a href="/edit/?pid=566">
<img class="alignright" 
alt="edit your post">

URL edit-icon:×32-1.png


Basic answers

-2 NOT at all!
-1 Not really
00 Undecided.
+1 Yes, a bit
+2 YES, fully!

Colors (beter met color picker):

--2 Red 250 16 16
 -1 Orange 250 165 45
 -+ Yellow 250 230 20
 +1 Green 80 250 20
++2 Blue 45 100 250

background colors:

  • body-block: #d7daea
  • totalpoll container background tryouts:
    #f8f7ff – #e3e1ee – #efedfd – #5b5584


Werkt vòòr het stemmen (voor ajax).

The <strong>id</strong> of this poll=<strong>566 </strong>
You can include this poll in your own articles here on this site using the first code below.
But you must substitute the <strong>¿</strong>
for this square bracket: <strong>[</strong>
Don’t forget!
¿totalpoll id=”566“]

To include this poll on an external website you need this other code below. Here you have to substitute four times the <strong>¿¿</strong>
with this angled bracket: <strong>&lt;</strong>
¿¿iframe id=”totalpoll-iframe-566” src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” width=”100%” height=”400″>
¿¿script&gt;window.addEventListener(‘message’, function (event) {if ( &amp;&amp; === ‘resizeHeight’) {document.querySelector(‘#totalpoll-iframe-566‘).height =;}}, false);document.querySelector(‘#totalpoll-iframe-566‘).contentWindow.postMessage({totalpoll: {action: ‘requestHeight’}}, ‘*’);
<h3>Link to explanation on <strong><a target=”_blank” href=””>brackets used in coding</a></strong></h3>


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<h2>Do you like sharing Eur Opinion and knowing the collective results?

<a href=””>Click here for more polls and the European public opinion.</a></h2>

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The <strong>id</strong> of this poll=<strong>831</strong>
(returned from code 566)

To include this poll on an external website you can use the code below.
But you have to substitute the <strong>¿</strong>
with this angled bracket: <strong>&lt;</strong>
¿iframe id=”totalpoll-iframe-831″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” width=”100%” height=”400″>

no more collapses


Block editing

  • edit