{aiovg_video autoplay="0" id="13630" ]
{aiovg_videos template="popup" include="13630" autoplay="0"]
- New: Added “Lazyloading” for images and iframes used by the plugin, improving page load times and performance.
- New: Enhanced the single video shortcode to support dynamic video display based on specified “category,” “tag,” and “sort” attributes, giving users more control over which videos are shown.
- New: Support for the PiP (Picture-in-Picture) feature in the video player.
- Fix: Pages show a 404 error when the “Permalink Slugs” settings field is empty.
- New: Chapter Markers.
- New: Likes / Dislikes.
- New: Support for the PiP (Picture-in-Picture) feature in the video player.
- New: Added the ability to use shortcodes from third-party plugins within video descriptions for greater flexibility and functionality.
- New: Introduces a new shortcode that displays the videos related to the current video on the single video pages.
- New: Introduces a new “Menu Order” option in the plugin’s “Order By” settings for videos and categories. This allows you to customize the videos and categories ordering using third-party plugins like Simple Custom Post Order.
Questions and problems to solve…
WP(UF) Codes and references for the site
AIOGV shortcodes (normal and popup)
Adapted Pardon Assange video 2024
1 video found
Original #FreeAssange compilation 2023
1 video found
From vimeo with embed
and this is the embed code:
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;"> <iframe src="https://agenda2029.is/player-embed/id/566/?vimeo=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F475166289&embed=1" style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
WP Visibility!! (functions, hooks, classes, methods ???)
Trying to add “private” option in WPUF (per post not whole blog)
trying, trying, trying also on riccardo.is
- WP page-visibility “metabox”???
(add WP Metabox to custom post-type)
WPUF compatibility is “only with the ACF primary fields”
and WPUF post form ??? (=> wpuf_update_post_Args???)
not with MetaBox plugin (???) - From WPUF faq
Set Post Status, Post Message, Update Post Button text
Assign separate default statuses for new posts or edited posts. Set the message you want to show to users after form submission, and change the text of submit buttons as you like.
(and visibility?) - WPUF How to password protect a post…
so why not also “private” option FCOL???!!!
(by the way wpufe_post_passowrd is that a typing error or on purpose?) - Create WPUF Post Form with ACF Custom Fields
- WP “hooks” (???)
WP save_post
WP wp_update_post - WP functions
- WP methods
- WP Metabox – add to custom post-type
- php.net (visibility through CSS??)
- Pods + Code Snippets
Video: How to Create Custom Post Type in WordPress Without a Plugin? - Easy post types and fields…
- Advanced custom fields (WPUF refers to it)
- Custom Post Type User Interface plugin (also slug-rewrite!)
- WP content visibility
- Built-in visibility options
- WP private pages and posts article
- Visibility not working on Custom Post Types
- Is the visibility condition in Custom Post Types included in the free plugin?
- custom post types (custom categories?)
- code snippets
- hooks save post? snippet
- https://wedevs.com/docs/wp-user-frontend-pro/tutorials/password-protect-post/
- https://appsumo.com/products/wp-user-frontend-pro/
- https://themeisle.com/blog/wordpress-private-posts/
- https://wpbeaches.com/show-all-post-meta-keys-and-values-for-a-post-in-wordpress/
- https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_post_meta/
no more collapses
Block editing