2025: why not a “SMALL Reset”? Roll back all “Covid” laws. (EN/ES/IT/NL)
2024: Gobal OWO tyranny awareness - Cov-ID plandemic backfired - Julian Assange FREE - Trump elected president - 2025: why not a "SMALL Reset" to begin with?
2024: Gobal OWO tyranny awareness - Cov-ID plandemic backfired - Julian Assange FREE - Trump elected president - 2025: why not a "SMALL Reset" to begin with?
It's very important to understand that World War II never ended with a treaty, and I think the United States was to blame."
#EuropeansForKennedy · The US elections will IMPACT Europa more than our own elections could ever have!
If president Trump is as consistent as we all trust him to be, then there should be no hesitation from his side to have justice prevail by #PardonAssange and #PardonSnowden.
Why isn't any English entity or person who is responsible for and involved in Julian's continuous torture being charged?
Let's have #GlobalSupportForKennedy go viral! With the intention of getting Julian released (be it before or after a possible extradition to the US)
Any and all of the responsible UK entities and persons should be prosecuted for knowingly and willingly TORTURING a man who has NEVER been convicted or even charged.
The WEF-2030 Agenda narrative is full of incoherencies. For people with critical sense or even healthy common sense this is more than obvious.
(DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL) Almost any fight against the corrupt (media) system is a #FreeAssange fight! because #FreeTheTruth (any truth!) = #FreeThePress = #FreeAssange
This is no more than a US UK frustrated revenge on Julian and a tyrannical attack on Freedom of the Press Freedom of Expression and Justice in general of every Human on earth by the two bullies of the planet.
Wear your #FreeAssange button every day, all day and clearly visible out there in real life (school, work, supermarket, business, bar, restaurant, bus, subway, train).