A short timeline found at The New World Order exposed” video triggered a first extension on the Old World OrderOWO page but it rapidly gained ‘the right’ and the need for a (this) separate individual page. As continuous work in progress new dates, references and links will be added over time (mostly working from past to present). Suggestions are welcome.

The more we know about why and how we got into this mess, the better we will know how to get out of it.

In fact, that’s the reason why OWO always wants to hide the truth, change definitions and erase the past or at least manipulate it. Now they even dare to go as far as stating that scientific work should not use references of older than 10 years anymore. Could it be because this time period is already fully controlled by them or mostly only on line so it can always be backwards manipulated? Printed books cannot. Maybe it’s time to start safeguarding and using old books again.

Timeline in popup