JFK assassination – wanted to get rid of the US Federal Reserve

JFK mentioned getting rid of the Federal Reserve banking system (a private central bank) and this is a key driver in international elite bankers powers (Rothschilds, etc).

Whenever you install a central bank in a country,
that is a sure road to ruin for everyone in that country.

In this video Eustace Mullins explains the federal reserve system and its founding.

  • It’s not Federal.
  • It has no reserves.
  • It’s not a “system” at all.
  • It’s a criminal syndicate.
  • Secret meeting on Thanksgiving 1910 to draft a money-monopoly plan to force onto the people of the US. This was a criminal conspiracy.
  • Presented to congress as a bank reform bill.
  • The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson during Christmas holidays 1913 (or view as popup video) (regretting it in 1919)
  • Operational since 1914 leading directly to the 1929 biggest financial crash ever.


from: https://x.com/Uncommonsince76/status/1825002028558422417

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