Natural clouds

Agenda 2030 seeks to turn everything artificial into the "new normal": intelligence, health, food, beauty, love, war and even the sky. The 2030 "clouds" are not clouds of course, they are chemtrails.

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How the promoters of the concept of “fake news” shoot themselves in the foot. Just one typical example from the Italian newspaper la Repubblica.

It is certainly curious and ironic, that precisely those who promote the concept of what they call "fake news" were the first to use exactly those mechanism of which they say are the tools of this so-called "fake news". 

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“Fake news” vs. Lies

When they call it 'Fake News' it's a sign to really pay atention to it and find out more.

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The importance of truth about our past, ancient and recent.

Knowing our past, our human past is both fascinating as important. From our biologic evolution to homo sapiens, to our development in to civilizations (some more genuinly human than others),…

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The sneaky war on farmers worldwide. #FreeAssange is also in their interest. (DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

(DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL) Almost any fight against the corrupt (media) system is a #FreeAssange fight! because #FreeTheTruth (any truth!) = #FreeThePress = #FreeAssange

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#USUK! US UK, the two frustrated bullies of the world. (EN/ES/IT/NL)

This is no more than a US UK frustrated revenge on Julian and a tyrannical attack on Freedom of the Press Freedom of Expression and Justice in general of every Human on earth by the two bullies of the planet.

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If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. // And if you tell this lie on TV then you can be sure it will be absorbed and adopted by the passive moldable masses of current society.

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