#KennedyForAssange I – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pardon Assange and Snowden, when elected President of the US. (EN►DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

(article partially adapted after Julian’s release)

I would pardon people.
I intend to use the pardon power.

And I intend to use it very quickly.

I’m gonna pardon Julian Assange,
I’m gonna pardon Edward Snowden…

I may pardon Ross Ulbricht if I find that…

his sentence,
his very lengthy senctence…

was the result of making an example…

of him in order to punish
bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

(click here for downloadable videos for direct sharing – subtitles DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

Yes, Julian is FREE now! and SAFE! (not in #USUK)
but he still needs to be PARDONED.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will pardon Julian Assange immediatelystop the US ‘forever’ wars and create a unity government when elected President of the US.

But Kennedy is being silenced! by the same people and entities that wanted to keep Julian in Belmarsh or worse. A large part of USAmericans doesn’t even know that Kennedy is a presidential candidate 2024.
We can help both Julian and RFK …by making the hashtag #EuropeansForKennedy go viral!
More under Agenda2029.is/EuropeansForKennedy – why and how!

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#EuropeansForKennedy = #PardonAssange + #PardonSnowden = #FreeTheTRUTH + #USUK
(after Julian’s release #KennedyForAssange shifted to #EuropeansForKennedy)


  • We must grab the opportunity to make this GLOBAL STATEMENT together, all of us who support Julian.
  • Making the hashtag #KennedyForAssange go viral  will put pressure on the US to drop charges.
  • It will also put pressure on UK authorities to release Julian
    (what sense to keep him in Belmarsh if the next president is going to pardon him anyway? Even if RFK doesn’t make it in the end, the only thing that counts is the mere idea at this moment and it’s strong, so let’s FEED that idea right NOW!)
  • NOW is exactly the right moment, in the run-up of the US elections and enough time before the next decision of the UK authorities.
  • This is not entering in US politics, this is simply making use of the one man who objectively can make the greatest impact. If it turns out to also have effect on the US elections, it can be considered just “Collateral Effect”, maybe even positive, for once 😉

Thank you and, please, share this widely, especially to people in US,UK to make #KennedyForAssange go viral (fb, twitter) precisely there! 🙏🏻💜

(click here for downloadable videos for direct sharing – subtitles DE/EN/ES/FR/IT/NL)

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#EuropeansForKennedy = #PardonAssange + #PardonSnowden = #FreeTheTRUTH + #USUK

Following in the steps of his father and his well-known uncle JFK, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the only presidential candidate who has understood that “Making America Great Again” actually starts by restoring the value, respect and honor of the American first and most important amendment. And he understands that this begins with pardoning the two most important whistleblowers of our times: Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

In the above video Kennedy also makes it clear that he defends bitcoin and cryptocurrencies (and also cash money, against the planned and controlled CBDC of the banks, often together with Catherine Austin Fitts) but the reporter cuts him short there.
Furthermore, Kennedy has also waged an almost lifelong battle against big pharma and, in recent years, against the Covid narrative and all ‘associated’ absurd and destructive measures that totally go against global Human Rights and national Constitutions, the disastrous consequences of which are noticeable worldwide.

Where R.F.K. Jr. and Independent Presidential Candidates Are On the Ballot
(New York Times)


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For President

Children’s Health Defense Website

Children’s Health Defense On Rumble

Children’s Health Defense On Twitter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On Twitter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. videos featured on this Rumble channel:
https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow – robert f. kennedy


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