Parking links to articles and videos for later reference or use…
- Died suddenly
- Invisibili
- The real Anthony Fauci
- Spiro Skouras odysee –
- Vigeland mindset
- “Coronavirus was created in a laboratory” – Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier
(En Subs) – Nobel Prof. Montagnier : COVID-19 caused by a vaccine experiment gone bad – 2020.04.17 - Ursula von der Leyen (+ Heiko)
(+ Albert Bourla pfizer image search)
– Ursula Von der Leyen, die in Duitsland strafrechtelijk wordt onderzocht, wordt nu ook in de EU beschuldigd van Pfizer-propaganda en de UNSUBSTANTIALE aankoop van 1,8 miljard doses
– Inchiesta vaccini, Procura UE: nessuna informazione su coinvolgimento von der Leyen
– La corruption d’Ursula von der Leyen mène à la vaccination obligatoire en Europe
– Ursula IranCartoon - Tax Justice report 2022 – tools – FSI
“Così aumenta l’evasione…”, “No, è invariata da anni…”: lo scontro sul Pos e sul contante -
Video links
- May 2009: WHO lowers criteria of “Pandemic” definition (NL►EN/ES/IT/NL)
- Dr. Zelenko | Yuval Noah Harari | Who Is the Anti-God Agenda-Pushing-Leader of “The Great Reset”?
- Organic Regenerative Farming is the Future of Agriculture | The Future of Food
- Dr Carrie Madej – Episode – 53 – Human 2.0 – The Vax Experiment – Whats Coming Next

Chinese overheidspolitiek en repressie in Xinjiang blijken de blauwdruk voor heel zerocovid-China
De manier waarop de Chinese regering de afgelopen jaren de provincie Xinjiang heeft omgebouwd tot een autoritaire technosurveillancestaat waarin de vrijheden voor de bevolking zijn ingeperkt, blijkt nu ook de strategie te zijn waarmee de protesten tegen het zerocovidbeleid worden aangepakt.

tradimento: Cassibile 3 settembre 1943
il 3 settembre del 1943 viene firmato in gran segreto l’armistizio di Cassibile. Con il tradimento di Cassibile muore l’Italia imperiale e sovrana e gli inglesi diventano proprietari di tutto il nostro patrimonio: politico, militare, cul…
il 3 settembre del 1943 viene firmato in gran segreto l’armistizio di Cassibile. Con il tradimento di Cassibile muore l’Italia imperiale e sovrana e gli inglesi diventano proprietari di tutto il nostro patrimonio: politico, militare, cul…

Aussie companies to lose right to sue under free trade pacts
In a big win for unions and “fair trade” campaigners, Australian Trade Minister will announce government’s vow to strip future free trade agreements of investor-state dispute settlement clauses and water them down in existing deals.

Watch Out Workers, Algorithms Are Coming to Replace You — Maybe (Published 2018)
The Israeli author Yuval Noah Harari says no industry is truly immune to the effects of A.I.

Opinion | Total Surveillance Is Not What America Signed Up For (Published 2019)
Congress should take bold action to regulate the location data industry.
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